For all good things, even the mundane and the mediocre, must come to an end, and thus I proffer my final installment to what has been, from some points of view, a dismal failure. I'm relatively certain that no more than 4 humans have visited this blog, and who could blame the rest for not? So from the standpoint of sharing ideas and beginning discussions, this experiment has been as successful as the Hindenburgh. That said, this blog had given me the opportunity to release, which at times was quite therepeutic, even cathartic, and for that I am grateful. Now, provided the premise that no one is reading this anyway, why would I bother writing anything at all? Well, I thought that as my valediction, I could at very least allow this little nano-route to basque in the glow of my gratitude to it, as it exists in this time and space. So here it is: to you, infinitetrickpony, with many thanks.
See ya.