Sunday, February 24, 2008

I sound pretty, oh so pretty

Went to church sick today

just to sing in the choir.

I was the only tenor,

what an unfortunate mire.

To make matters worse

we were made to perform Handel,

with the dinky-dink piano part

like socks worn with sandals.

My sinuses so clogged

that my eyes ran like creeks;

my head hurt, my mind swooned,

my voice up shit's creek.

Here's today's contest

I thought you'd enjoy.

If you don't then don't play it,

it's really just a ploy

To get you involved

in a different kind of trap,

until your stimulus check comes

and you can buy more worthless crap.

Here are some human-things,

bald and naked, it's true,

but what is the moral of the image

as it pertains to you?

a) would have you believe

that you're life is like a monkey:

The Universe the Grinder Man,

you dancing like its flunky.

b) it's quite obvious

that these nudies aren't even real.

The image is in your mind,

the moral how you feel.

c) are you kidding?

You can't ask me that?

I get the impression you're incinuating

that this monitor makes me look fat!

d) The moral is clearly a caustic

satire of the trying

current administration

and its bald-faced naked lying.

The good news is

you've already won the prize.

If you took a breath this morning

that means you haven't died.

And if living is the winning

combination to this all,

then stop stressing over complex shit and

go outside and have a ball.

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