Saturday, February 23, 2008

Prom Night

Everyone else has been getting this three-week bronchitis cold thing, so I figured, "what the hell?" and decided to try it out for myself. I am currently febrile and mildly delirious, which sometimes makes things more fun.

This is a photo from my honeymoon...just kidding! I actually just bumped into this guy in the backyard. What you don't see is that the prick is picking my pocket! The gall. I had been collecting those three screws and small wad of lint for a week.

Here's the current contest amigos:

Hyperion Book Publishers have offered me a 2.5 million dollar deal to publish my collective memoirs. Random House has tabled 3.2, and Black Dome $12.46 plus lunch...once.
Is the cat in the photograph at right stepping in:
a) urine
b) the collective canine ego
c) a spilled bottle of Suave Extra-Firm Hold Hair Spray
d) synch with our inner thoughts
e) I can't tell you, you don't have the proper security clearance

Good luck, buddy.

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