Off-gassing and cumpulsory physiological jettisoning of the daily flotsam or inter-dimensional passage through the veils of heavy carbon-based reality? That's one for Sagan and Steiner to posit and discuss; as for me, I make statements like, "Dreams are some shit, huh?"
The link above is an homage (if not something more direct) to one such dream. Brett felt really poorly about something, emotionally I mean, and he spent a bit of time trying to convince me that he was actually fine but I was so not buying it. Then, or perhaps even throughout, I don't recall, the song above played. Played predominantly, actually. One way the Universe (God, if you prefer) works (in my opinion, anyway) is that from one ort of information or experience an entirely different universe is created. Granted it's to a greater or lesser degree, but the fact remains, and this Carole King snippet is a prime example to illustrate.
Heavily wafting through my dreamscape is 'So Far Away' by Carole King. Upon waking, I can't recall for the life of me what the song was that I was hearing, but on the radio that morning in the office I hear a different Carole King song and think first, "That is so awesome!" because a) I haven't heard a Carole King song on the radio, let alone that station, in what may be years, and b) it's what I personally nowadays gratefully take as a sign of Synchronicity in the Universe. (If you don't that's your prerogative, but I beg you to indulge in it's magnificent reality some time: it's intoxicating)
The next thing that happens (after being not at all subtly reminded of the presence of God in my life and thereby lifted to a higher vibration) is I see Greg in the warehouse (nextdoor to the office) and feel inclined to engage him in conversation regarding this song I dreamt of but can't remember. He can't pull any out of the air from 'Tapestry', but fondly recalls the album. Who knows where his mind wanders and therefore his outlook and whole day changes! See where I'm going with this?! Very cool stuff.
So now Greg and I talk a lot about...that's right! '60s and'70s music! Nice. Plus this morning it was still on my mind so I start looking on YouTube for Carole King songs to jog my mind and lo and behold there it is, jumping out at me (last night's dream included bike riding with Alton Brown who decided to try his hand at improvisational comedy before a weary audience that included an apparently bored polar bear...but that's neither here nor there). After I listen to it a couple of times, I continue to explore some other favorite artists, including Alana Davis, who I haven't heard from in over a year. Wonderful! I'd forgotten how talented she is, and recalled that I hadn't listened to her cds in some time, so I pick a couple out of the rack and listen to them on the way to and from work. She's so good. Good music, I'm happy!
Oh, and Brett called and he's okay, and I felt like a yoke had been lifted from my shoulders. All good.
It goes on and on, as though our collective conscience is really just a big pool and our thoughts ripples...kinda cool. Won't even get into manifestation here, but let's not forget what they even mentioned in elementary school for cryin' out loud: "manifest destiny". Break it down and think about'd that one get past the machine's radar? LOVE IT!

There's a ramble for ya, and by God thank you for being there....even if you aren't. I'm talking collective here.
I'll be preparing for a cleanse soon, so as to better attune to my purpose as a conduit of God's Love in action; I'm looking forward to it.
In the meantime, hope you enjoy the song/video. Carole and Sweet Baby James are wonderfully youthful I guess is the word I'm searching for. Perhaps it will effect you and your day/evening. Who knows?
Those questions are second prize anyway. The winner is in the being.