Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Here we are now, entertain us

Nevermind the previous blog: too long-winded and almost incoherently scattered. It was very early in the morning/late at night and I frankly had far too many thoughts swirling through the cosmos beneath my skull. On that note, I offer this as a more succinct and engaging thought on awakening.
The awakening begins as we look around us, right here where we live and play and shop. A case of lettuce from the west coast of the U.S. will cost on average about $48US all winter long, with slight fluctuations. As soon as the east coast growers begin producing, the price plummets to (this season) $12US. You already know all the politics and all the angles, so I'll spare any further explanation.
The house my family and I currently rent, a modest pre-fab cape on a few acres was most recently assessed at $289,000US. What does a million dollars even mean any more in the face of such assessments? Who (oh, we all know deep down the whos and the whys) decided on these prices/costs? What happened to the idea of currency? It's still an idea, it's just that we've all been buying into (pun intended) what the worth and parity prices are being set at. Interesting.
Population density is severly concentrated in urban centers, although they're no longer centers of commerce per se (as cities once were) so much as parasitic moneychangers siphoning goods from the surrounding rural districts to perpetuate it's own false devices. It's true, and if you look at it, you'll see it quite clearly.
I love my family. It has taken me this entire lifetime thus far to earn the family that I have now, and it is now that I realize it is all I have ever wanted, and there is not a quark of hyperbole in that statement. By the same token, my family lives me and has come to count on me, not just for financial support but for the vastly more important spiritual and emotional guidance and strength that I lend to our shared experience. What a blessing! God really does love me! So why must I spend the overwhelming majority of my waking time an hour away from them in order to make money? I don't, is the simple answer, and there are certainly alternative lifestyles available (and we consider some as they come up)...but let's keep the focus on the general principle here, and that is that the reliance and building of a societal lifestyle around a false principle (again, it's just an idea, a concept) such as money is a structure built on wind and ash...it's not real and it's not true to any higher aspiration whatsoever.
I long to return to my studies, I long for a time when my family and I can just be, and be together...sharing time and experience and all that life has. I long to share the abundance of my life with others in a meaningful way. All this is attainable, it's a matter of 'swimming upstream' as my wife once put it.
The more prolific and certainly more obvious power currently is darker than not, and quite soul-less, and it is a challenge to go against it. But we do. And we must...we must continue to channel the Light.
There's so much more I'd love to share, but verbosity lends itself to something akin to narcolepsy, so I'll retire here. Thank you, for by being here in whatever presence you are, you are so for a reason, and for that I'm grateful.
Go in peace knowing that we are known...and we are loved.

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