There's a wonderful plaque that rests on a mantle on the way down the stairs of my church. It reads simply, "God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called." What that means to me is that none of us are more in tune with or have a better understanding of God than anyone else, but that what's important is to merely take a step toward God, whatever your understanding of God is. In that vein I offer what occurred to me today as profound, sublime. It occurs to me that there is not a soul on this earth or beyond that is below or not deserving of redemption. Indeed, we each have redemption in that we are a part of God (this is just my opinion, of course) already. 'Perfectly imperfect' as my teacher Chris stated it often. We do what we do and have the experiences we have merely as an educational tool on our way back to the Source. Hmm. What I'm trying to say is that I fuck up, you fuck up, we all invariably and inevitably fuck up, but really that's just 'missing the mark'...what the Christ referred to as 'sin' (Gnostic transliteration, not Orthodox). It's educational, it's vital to our experience, and it by no means
disqualifies us from
redemption or God's love for us.Take it or leave it, and many leave it, and that is understandable and receives no condemnation or perjorative judgement from me: that's your path. I'm only trying to share the beauty of a blossom that I've found along
my path. If nothing else it is that I know, and I
feel, that I am not alone and that I am loved. By God, by God! And it is my belief that each of us belonging to this Human Family is by nature of merely
being blessed by this Love and Grace as well.
It is my hope only to share with you what passes through the conduit of the consciousness of
my fullest potential,
my highest aspiration and vibration.
You're wonderful. You're so important. I hope you know this, and that you are loved.
I hope you use this script for a sermon on day - it's good.
"one" day of course...
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