...in light of my most recent polemic, I offer this as good (local) news:
Current Leiutenent Governor David Paterson is set to be sworn in as Governor of New York on Monday, and here are two things I already appreciate about the little I've seen of him: a) he said, when questioned about the Spitzer turmoil, that (paraphrasing), "Eliot is a dear friend of mine and he and his family have had enough right now..." Didja catch that? A man in politics not even obliquely distancing himself from a friend that could tarnish, if not damage, his political career. Takes a certain kind of person to do that, and it very subtly commands a lot of respect. B) as a legally blind man, I have not seen him reading from prepared statements in response to questions or in statements to the press and public. There's something so outlandish about that these days that, wow, he may actually need to know what he's talking about and may actually need to respond with *gasp*...candor. I know, I know, sounds crazy, but it's largely true.
Gave me a little lift anyway.
Enough to present a new contest! Hooray!
Okay, here's todays question: Which of the following statements is/are true given the statement, "It has been proven: a woodchuck can indeed chuck wood"?
a) wear a helmet and a cup
b) depends on what the definition of 'can' is
c) I will learn to ride a unicycle by autumn '09
d) woodchucks are monogamous
e) wasn't even there, don't know what you're incinuating
f) we may never pass this way again
Of course you don't need luck, what with a lunchbox like that.
ah, I am not eligible to win anything this time around even though I know the answer is d)!
Got two pairs of fine jeans from the last contest. I read the fine print:You may only claim a prize once in a month.
Interesting guy. He might actually have some of what it takes ... to be governor of the most important location in the world at present.
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